Double Springs

Public hearing on proposed lodging tax brings out concerned residents

Benjamin Grizzell. standing, owner of Smith Lake Rentals and Sales, addresses the Winston County Commission with concerns about the proposed lodging tax. At left is Commission Attorney Jeff Mobley. At right is George Gibson, Karen and Charlie White, who also spoke out with concerns.
DOUBLE SPRINGS - A week before a special-called Winston County Commission meeting to discuss and vote on the proposed lodging tax, residents spoke out Monday, Feb. 10, voicing concerns over the tax and urging commissioners to rethink the issue.

Addison football coach defends his record, refutes allegations

Addison Head Football Coach David Smothers expresses concerns to the Winston County Board of Education. Also shown are Winston County Schools Superintendent Jeff Scott and School Board Members Greg Densmore and Mark Finley.
DOUBLE SPRINGS - The future of long-time Addison High School football coach David Smothers is uncertain, with Smothers defending his strong coaching record and refuting ongoing allegations at the January 28, Winston County Board of Education meeting.

Highway 33 road project to begin in March

Shown at the intersection of Highway 33 and County Road 24, which will revamped with a March 25 starting date, from left, State Representative Tim Wadsworth, Double Springs Mayor Elmo Robinson, Winston County High School Principal Jeff Cole and Double Springs Middle School Principal Jon Baker.
DOUBLE SPRINGS - After numerous road blocks to a project on the books for years, improvements to the congested Highway 33/ County Road 24 intersection in Double Springs will begin in March.

Drug distribution out of camper trailer disrupted; two arrested

Shown with drugs confiscated in the distribution bust, from left, Winston County Sheriff's Investigator Josh Edwards, Sheriff Caleb Snoddy and Chief Deputy Josh Bennett.
DOUBLE SPRINGS - The continuing investigation into distribution of methamphetamine from a camper has resulted in two persons being arrested after two informant-related drug buys, according to the Winston County Sheriff’s Office.

21 Days of Prayer campaign underway

Dawn Tucker, ministry assistant for the Winston County Baptist Association, pictured right, and Phyllis Watts, ministry assistant of the Baptist Association, urge the county to begin participating this week in the 21 Days of Prayer.
WINSTON COUNTY - An urgent plea is being made for prayer across Winston County in the face of troubles facing the nation, as well as what is being described as a pivotal general election in just a few weeks.