Haleyville Elementary holding additional kindergarten registration April 18

HALEYVILLE - Haleyville Elementary School will hold an additional kindergarten registration day Tuesday, April 18, from 8:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.  This is only for families that were not able to attend kindergarten registration on March 8.
Registration will be held at the Haleyville Elementary School office. A child being registered for kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2023 and meet Haleyville City School Board’s enrollment requirements before he/she can attend school for the 2023-2024 school year. Parents or guardians registering prospective kindergarten students are encouraged to bring the following:

• The child’s birth certificate;
• Immunization certificate showing that the child has had all the required immunizations:  D.P.T., polio, measles and mumps. ALABAMA STATE LAW REQUIRES PROOF OF THE IMMUNIZATIONS BEFORE A CHILD CAN ENTER KINDERGARTEN OR FIRST GRADE;
• Social Security Card;
• Proof of residency;
• Custody Papers (if applicable);
• Driver’s License of parent/guardian.
A team of kindergarten teachers will be administering the HES Kindergarten Screener to all children who will attend kindergarten in the fall of 2023. Thus, it will be necessary for you to bring your pre-school child with you to registration so we can administer this short screening instrument. We plan to make this a fun experience for the children. You can help by planning to make this a special outing for you and your preschooler.
School officials realized that parents and guardians work and can only come at certain times.  They will adjust their schedule to accommodate working parents.  It is important that all parents or guardians who have not registered their children for kindergarten come on this date.
Further inquiries can be made by calling Haleyville Elementary School at (205) 486-3405.

Disclaimer:  The enrollment of homeless, migratory, immigrant and ELL students will not be denied or delayed in accordance with the Haleyville City School Board’s policy File: JBCB.

See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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