Legal Notice
WHEREAS, default having been made in payment of the homeowners association assessments of Shoreside at Sipsey Property Owners Association by Joni Owens, the owner of the following described property, the undersigned Shoreside at Sipsey Property Owners Association, an Alabama corporation under and by virtue of the enforcement provisions with respect to the continuing lien of the Association, and the verified claim of lien filed for record in Instrument 194524 in the Probate Office of Winston County, Alabama, and as set forth in Shoreside at Sipsey Property Owners Association’s Declaration of Protective Covenants as recorded in Instrument 349294, and as amended, in the Probate Office of Winston County, Alabama, will sell at public outcry for cash at the main entrance of the Courthouse at Winston County, Alabama, on September 21, 2023, during the legal hours of sale, the following described real estate situated in Winston County, Alabama, to wit: Lot 65-65A of Shoreside at Sipsey, Phase IV, as recorded in Map Book 3, Page 287 in the Office of Probate of Winston County, Alabama.
THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD ON AN “AS IS, WHERE IS” BASIS, SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS, ENCUMBRANCES, AND EXCEPTIONS REFLECTED IN THE MORTGAGE (IF ANY) AND THOSE CONTAINED IN THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE JUDGE OF PROBATE OF THE COUNTY WHERE THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED PROPERTY IS SITUATED. THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT WARRANTY OR RECOURSE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AS TO TITLE, USE AND/OR ENJOYMENT AND WILL BE SOLD SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF ALL PARTIES ENTITLED THERETO. Said sale is made for the purpose of foreclosing of said continuing Lien, paying the Lien debt, the costs and expenses of foreclosure, including a reasonable attorney’s fee as allowed and permitted by the Declaration. Lienholder/ Association reserves the right to bid on the subject property. Said sale is also subject to unpaid taxes or assessments whether of record or not. Said sale for this property is subject to postponement or cancellation. Contact the person named below prior to attendance.
The sale will be conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the mortgage and (3) any right of redemption or other lien not extinguished by foreclosure.
201 20th Street South,
Irondale, Alabama
(205) 451-4196
JO_Aug 23, 30,
Sept 6, 13