Addison Ladies Club

Addison Ladies Club sponsoring first-ever glow run Friday

The Addison Ladies Club is sponsoring its first-ever glow run Friday night at Alexander Park. From left, club members Debbie Boyd and Sheila Everett, Treasurer Wendy Isom and President Sabrina Wright.
ADDISON - The Addison Ladies Club’s mission has always been to serve others and meet the needs of their community. Now, their hearts are all aglow, so to speak, as they prepare for a new fun activity.

Addison Ladies Club giving back to the community, one project at a time

Members of the newly formed Addison Ladies Club are on a mission to give back to Addison and the surrounding communities through a host of projects. From l-r: Heather Denson, Lori Hammack, Shea Williams, Melissa Cleghorn, Sharon Naylor, Lacey Hill, Vanessa Rice, president; Wendy Isom, treasurer; Shelonda Hayes and Samantha Crooks.
ADDISON - A new civic club in Addison is already making a huge difference in many residents’ lives, and members are hoping that their opportunities to give back to their community will only continue to grow.