
Congested Addison intersection to be corrected through grant

From left, Addison Police Chief Mitchell Woodard, Winston County Commissioner District 1 Rutger Hyche and Road Engineer James Glasgow at the busy intersection of Highway 278, County Road 41 and Old Cullman Road.
ADDISON - The congested intersection of Highway 278, County Road 41 and Old Cullman Road has become such a safety concern through the years, that nearly $1 million in Rebuild Alabama funds will go toward improvements.

New communications equipment coming

The three acres, leased to the Winston County Firefighters Association, where the new communication tower will be placed is located behind the Delmar Fire Department off Highway 13.
WINSTON COUNTY - First responders throughout Winston County have received the long-awaited announcement that much-needed communication upgrades and a new building on the county’s west side to house the new equipment have officially been given the go-ahead, meaning the project should begin soon.

Grant helping Camp McDowell Farm School continue to educate children

Executive Director Lauranne James, Operations Manager Vanessa King and Media Design Specialist Anna Morrison of Northwest Alabama RC&D, Economic Developer Dr. Nicole Wadsworth, Rep. Tim Wadsworth and Grants Administrator Mary Yancey and Farm School Program Coordinator Kelly Baker of Camp McDowell celebrate a grant that paid for a new tractor, on which Farm School Director Scotty Feltman is seated, along with students who came from Jackson, Miss., to attend Farm School.

NAUVOO - The Camp McDowell Farm School recently purchased a new tractor to replace one the camp has been using since at least 1987 using a $30,000 grant from the Alabama Association of Research, Conservation and Development Councils (AARCDC).

"We are funded by the state legislature," explained Mary Kendall Dixon, AARCDC's communications specialist. "There are nine local RC&D councils and our state office, so we split that money among all ten councils. To apply for a state grant, your project has to affect three or more council areas."

More funding awarded to Highway 33 project

From left, State Representative Tracy Estes, Double Springs Mayor Elmo Robinson, Winston County High School Principal Jeff Cole and State Representative Tim Wadsworth at the dangerous intersection of County Road 24 at Highway 33.
DOUBLE SPRINGS - One fiscal year after just over $1 million in funding was announced to correct a dangerous intersection at Highway 33 and County Road 24 in Double Springs, another $400,000 has been awarded for the same project.

COPS grant awarded to Bear Creek

Bear Creek Police Chief Eddie Collins, left, and newly hired police officer Chris Franks, with one of the new patrol cars in the police fleet. The town will begin accepting applications for officer hired under the COPS grant.
BEAR CREEK - Excessive overtime costs for extra hours worked by officers with the Bear Creek Police Department will now be relieved, thanks to a $103,280 COPS (Community Oriented Policing Services) Hire grant through the U.S. Department of Justice.