Pictured above are members of the Haleyville Methodist Church Chancel Choir. Front row, from left, Summer Brazell, Ashley Frazier, Susan Williams, Kimberly Bartes, Carol Defoor, Linda Morton, Linda Wood, Pam Masdon and Susan Lollar. Back frow, from left, Charlotte McNutt, pianist; Ronald Crumpton, Hobby Manasco, Robert Wood, Alan Kilpatrick, Gage Brewer, Mitch Nethery, Shannon Lollar, Ronnie Miller, Charlie McAfee and Program Director Debbie Wood. Not shown are Brooke McNeal and Todd Carpenter.
HALEYVILLE - Haleyville Methodist Church, located on 9th Avenue, cordially invites everyone to come out Sunday, Dec. 17, at 6 p.m. in the sanctuary for a musical celebration of the true meaning of Christmas.
“Christmas...The Story of His Love”, is the title of the chancel and children’s choir musical program this year. Filled with back-to-back songs of the season, both old and new, the program encapsulates the theme of hope given to the world through Christ’s birth. A mixture of narration and scripture will help thread together the beautiful, age-old story that is just as important today.
Bob Masdon will serve as the narrator for the program. Debbie Wood is the director, and Charlotte McNutt will be the pianist. Chancel choir members are: Summer Brazell, Carol Defoor, Susan Williams, Ashley Frazier, Kimberly Bartes, Linda Wood, Susan Lollar, Brooke McNeal, Pam Masdon, Linda Morton, Alan Kilpatrick, Ronald Crumpton, Hobby Manasco, Robert Wood, Todd Carpenter, Shannon Lollar, Gage Brewer, Ronnie Miller, Charlie McAfee and Pastor Mitch Nethery.
Children’s choir members are Alexa Hernandez, Malachi Studdard, Major Rains, Marlee Frix, Daniel Neville, Emma Neville, Brendan McNeal and Maya Hollis.
Songs to be performed are: “Angels from the Realms of Glory” with “Emmanuel;” The Sing Noel Medley, including “Sing We Now of Christmas,” For Unto Us a Child Is Born” and “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing;” “It’s Still the Greatest Story Ever Told;” “O Little Town...The Glory of Christmas” and “Gloria - Our Savior Found Us.” The finale will include “It’s Still the Greatest Story Ever Told,” “Angels We Have Heard on High” and “Joy to the World.”
Nethery, Wood and the entire congregation at Haleyville Methodist cordially invite all area residents and congregations to come out for this time of joy, celebration and worship.
See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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