Front row, From left, Haleyville City Schools Peer Helpers members Jacob Crook, Caroline Hooker and SGA members Addison Adams and Cydney Yeager. Back row, from left, Meagan Vickery, coordinator the middle school Peer Helpers program, Susan Loller, organizer of the clothes closet; Middle School Assistant Principal Emily Faulkner; Principal Bo Wilcoxson and Pam Woodard, organizer of the clothes closet.
HALEYVILLE - Students and faculty with a heart for helping those in need are asking the public to join them in making donations of much-needed shoes and snacks for Haleyville City School students.
Jessica Riddle, Peer Helpers district coordinator for HCS, stressed that she visits each school in the district every couple of weeks to see what needs should be met.
Riddle found the biggest needs were shoes at the middle school and snacks at the elementary school.
“It makes me very happy to see that they have such kind hearts at such a young age,” Riddle pointed out. “We have an amazing group of students at all three of our schools that are very empathetic and kind hearted and concerned for their peers.”
At the middle school, the need for shoes is great, according to Principal Bo Wilcoxson
Wilcoxson stressed a clothes drive is held at the start of each school year, as well as a coat drive as the weather gets colder.
“One thing we don’t specifically look at is shoes,” Wilcoxson pointed out. “Right now, we’re really low on shoes.
“Right now, we have students that need shoes, whether it be the pair they have got is old, or at this age, they grow quickly, and they outgrow them,” Wilcoxson stated.
“These are tough economical times,” he continued. “So, we want to help and do what we can do for the community, because this community has always been very helpful for us.”
Collection boxes have been set up at the middle school to collect shoes from not just teachers and students but the community as well.
Those providing donations can also contact Loller at 205-269-2739, or Woodard at 205-269-2309.
Once shoes are received, organizers will wash them and prepare them for students in need, they said.
Students in need can see organizers of the clothes closet privately to obtain shoes or items they need from the clothes closet, they stressed.
“I think it’s important that the community understands that students, even at the middle school level, they’re in need of clothes and shoes, and they may not always show that like the older children do,” stressed Assistant Middle School Principal Emily Faulkner.
Addison Adams, of the SGA, noted students go throughout school and discuss the needs.
“It feels really inspiring, because there are people out there in the world who need us,” Adams said.
SGA member Cydney Yeager added, “It makes me inspired to help others, because I know how hard it can be to not have money enough to have shoes.”
See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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