Legal Notice
Pinetucky Longleaf Woodland
Restoration Project
National Forest
Winston County,
The U.S. Forest Service has prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) and draft Decision Notice/Finding of No Significant Impact (DN/FONSI) for proposed actions in the Pinetucky Longleaf Woodland Restoration Project Area of the Bankhead National Forest, located south of Highway 278 in Double Springs, AL. This project involves vegetation management and road system adjustments to restore and manage longleaf pine ecosystems. The proposed project is an activity implementing a land management plan and is therefore subject to the pre-decisional objection process described at 36 CFR 218 Subparts A and B.
The EA and draft DN/FONSI are available on-line at: These documents and more information also are available at the Bankhead Ranger District office in Double Springs, AL.
Objections will be accepted only from those who have previously submitted timely, specific written comments regarding the proposed project during designated opportunities for public comment (§218.5(a)). Issues raised in objections must be based on previously submitted specific written comments regarding the proposed project, unless based on new information arising after designated comment opportunities (§218.8(c)). Objections must contain the minimum content requirements specified in §218.8(d), and incorporation of documents by reference is permitted only as provided in §218.8(b). All objections are available for public inspection during and after the objection process.
An objector is responsible to ensure a written objection, including attachments, is filed with the reviewing officer within 45 days following the date of publication of this legal notice in The Northwest Alabamian. The publication date of the legal notice in this newspaper of record is the exclusive means for calculating the time to file an objection; those wishing to object should not rely on dates or timeframe information provided by any other source.
The responsible official for this project is the District Ranger, Bankhead National Forest. The reviewing officer for this decision is the Forest Supervisor of the National Forests in Alabama. Objections may be mailed to Forest Supervisor, 1070 Hwy 33 North Double Springs, Alabama 35553; faxed to 205-489-8552; hand-delivered at the above address from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays; or submitted by email in a common digital format to
UF_Nov 27