Legal Notice
For Bids
The Town of Lynn will be receiving Sealed Bids on a High Tensile Strength Acrylic Sealant on the roof of a 10,000 sq. ft. metal building. Sealed Bids will be accepted until Friday, May 5, 2023 at 4:30 p.m. at the Lynn Town Hall. The multi step process to seal the roof will be as follows: Apply an environmentally friendly cleaner to the entire roof; Power wash the entire area of roof; Install stitch screws to all seam voids larger than 1/16th; Apply Everseal Hybrid and/or FiberFlash Sealant to all movement parts including fasteners, penetrations, vertical and horizontal seams: Apply High Tensile Strength Acrylic to entire roof area at a total of 2.0 - 3.5 gallons per square (100 sq. ft.) to entire roof: Clean site of any debris caused by roofing work; Must offer a 20 Year Warranty on all work done. Sealed Bids can be mailed to: Town of Lynn P.O. Box 145 Lynn AL 35575 Attn: Marcia.
The Town of Lynn reserves the right to refuse any and all bids or any portion thereof.
TL_April 26, May 3