HALEYVILLE - Two contracts totaling more than $660,000 have been approved for sewer improvements. At the regular monthly meeting, held Tuesday, April 28, virtually online due to COVID-19 concerns, the Haleyville Water Works and Sewer Board accepted two of three contracts. The low bidder on both contracts was Double Diamond Construction Company of Northport. The first contract is for gravity sewer improvement on Newburg Road in the amount of $327,470, while the second is for rehabilitation of pump stations 11 (off Airport Road) and 12 (Blake Curve on Newburg Road) in the amount of $337,000.
The third contract, which was rejected due to the high dollar amount, was for work on the sludge press. The rejection was suggested by Lane Bates, general manager, and Calvin Cassady, engineer.
“We’re thinking about completely aborting the idea of the sludge press and possibly moving on to some other items,” Bates said, mentioning he would later give suggestions on what those other items would be if the contract was rejected, which occurred.
The gravity sewer work on Newburg Road will begin near the housing authority and continue to 11th Avenue and to Hwy. 13. The six inch line will be replaced with an eight inch line.
The two pump stations will be overhauled, according to Bates.
“The pump stations have a lot of deterioration, and they will be completely rehabbed,” Bates said. “All the wells, pumps, things like that will be overhauled. It will be like a brand new one.”
A bonus to the water works employees was given after the financial statement was approved and the minutes passed. The monetary bonus is due to COVID-19 and the fact the employees are essential to the water infrastructure of Haleyville.
“All of our personnel are out working every day, and they are considered essential,” Mayor Ken Sunseri said. “I’m recommending to the board to go ahead and pay (an extra) $150 per month starting this month to our employees. It will be the same for the girls in the office as those people in the field. As we speak, they are out repairing a leak right now. I feel they are deserving and it would be good for our board to approve this and do it each month until we’re out of the COVID-19 requirements.”
A motion and second was made for the bonus, and it passed unanimously.
The next board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 26, at 7 p.m.
See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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