Meek Elementary School

Lynn Elementary, Lynn High and Meek High principals coming to Winston County Schools' Central Office

The new district administrators for Winston County Schools, from l-r: Jennifer Baker, who was serving as Lynn Elementary School’s principal; Marla Murrah, who was serving as Meek High School’s principal and Todd Tittle, who was serving as Lynn High School’s principal.
WINSTON COUNTY - Windfall funding to the Winston County Board of Education is being used to offset the costs of creating three new positions at the central office, with the filling of those positions causing a complete turnover at schools in Meek and Lynn.

Harden new MES principal; Henderson moves to Meek High

Wesley Harden, above left, is the new Meek Elementary School prinicpal. Allan Henderson, above right, has been transferred to the principal job at Meek High School.
ARLEY - Wesley Harden, a Meek High School graduate, has returned home as Meek Elementary principal, replacing Allan Henderson, who has been transferred as high school principal in a series of personnel relocations across the Winston County school district.