Run to Jesus 5K and Fun Walk planned for March 25
5K and Fun Run/Walk to be held April 9
The eleventh annual M.Y. Hero 5K/1 Mile and Fun Run/Walk will start at the old Gateway parking lot in Double Springs, rain or shine, on Saturday, April 9. The event is a fundraiser for the Martin Young Memorial Scholarship, which is awarded to two Winston County High School seniors each year.
Registration for the 5K is $25, which includes a T-shirt. Registration for the Fun Run/Walk is $10 or $20 with a T-shirt. T-shirts and goody bags are guaranteed for the first 50 runners to register.
Like mother, like daughter: 83-year-old mother, 62- year-old daughter do 5Ks
Ruth Ingle, 83, and her daughter Judy Ledbetter, 62, participated in the 5K at the Mark Forester Price of Freedom event held in May at Haleyville High School.
By Melica Allen
HALEYVILLE - Ruth Ingle is not your typical 83-year-old grandmother. The Guin resident and her daughter, Judy Ledbetter, 62, of New Market, recently participated in the 5K race for the Mark Forester Price of Freedom event held at the Haleyville High School campus in May. Ingle did the race in 48:33 with her pink button up blouse, blue jeans and tennis shoes, with Ledbetter coming across the finish line in 31:04. “I didn’t break my personal record,” Ingle noted. “It was too many hills.”
9-1-1 Festival 5K Challenge winners cross the finish line
The 9-1-1 Festival 5K Challenge race was held Saturday, June 1, in connection with the 9-1-1 Festival, in Haleyville. Race start was at 7 a.m. on 10th Avenue. Pictured above are race winners from left: 8-13 age division Cody Cagle-00:25:40.310; 14-30 age division Tristan Carter-00:20:25.790; Lewis Barber-00:20:27.013; Cody Gray-00:25:23.783; Carlie Pendley-00:26:06.440; Hannah Coons-00:27:05.536; Summer Timmerman-00:29:41.843; 31-100 age division Jeff Fleming-00:26:15.916; Allan Pennington-00:29:23.513; Doug Roberts-00:31:05.323; Ranee Robinson-00:39:55.993; Sally Moore-00:46:30.760; Melinda Crumpton-00:46:33.296; Overall Winner Male Hamza Abusammour-00:17:17.720 (14-30 age); Overall Winner Female Alissa Hood-00:23:11.553 (31-100 age).
HALEYVILLE - The 9-1-1 Festival 5K Challenge kicked off festivities on Saturday, June 1, with the finish line on 10th Avenue.
Age divisions included 8-13; 14-30 and 31-100. The race was sponsored this year by Encore/SportsFit and Lakeland Community Hospital.
Race results includes:
1. Hamza Abusammour-00:17:17.720 (14-30);
2. Tristan Carter-00:20:25.790 (14-30);
3. Lewis Barber-00:20:27.013 (14-30);
4. Alissa Hood-00:23:11.553 (31-100);
5. Cody Gray-00:25:23.783 (14-30);
6. Cody Cagle-00:25:40.310 (8-13);
Arley Day 5k/fun walk
ARLEY - If you are interested in the participating in the Arley Day 5K and or fun walk, you may pickup entry forms at the Meek High School or elementary school office, as well as Traders and Farmers Bank and Traditions Bank in Arley. Forms are also available on line at www.winstonk12.org/6/home. Those who register before May 4, are guaranteed a shirt. After May 4, it will be on a first come, first serve basis.
The event will be held Saturday, May 18, beginning at 7 a.m. at Arley First Baptist Church, Hickory Lane, Arley, Alabama 35541.
Lynn Bears Back-To-School 5K run, 1 mile walk winners announced
LYNN - The Lynn Bears Back-To-School 5K run and 1 Mile Walk were conducted recently.
The winners of the event were reported as follows:
Male Overall:
Austin Dodd
Time: 25.46
Female Overall:
Jessica Montgomery
Time: 33.09
12&Under Male:
Logan Madison
Time: 43.11
13-19 Female:
Taylor Horton
Time: 33.38
30-39 Male:
Jonathan Frederick
Time: 32.08
30-39 Female:
Lane King
Time: 34.47
40-49 Male:
Darrell Mote
Time: 25.50
5K, 1 mile fun run set Saturday
RUSSELLVILLE —The RCS Education Foundation 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run will take place Saturday, Oct. 13, on and around the RCS campus. This is the third year the Foundation has hosted this event, and Foundation President Mike Mayfield said they are hoping this will be their best turnout yet.
All funds raised during the event will go toward the Foundation's main goal of awarding scholarships to RHS seniors and grants to teachers for instructional learning in their classrooms.