Rayce Cleghorn, of Addison, is kicking up his heels with joy, living his dream of being a professional musical performer, currently working at the Country Music Tonight Theater in Pigeon Forge, Tenn. (Courtesy photo)
PIGEON FORGE, TENN. - It can truly be said that the family that performs together stays together.
That saying rings true for the family of Derek and Carol Cleghorn, of Addison, whose four children have been actively involved in some sort of entertainment - from dancing to theater - for years. Now their two youngest children are seizing the opportunity to perform in a country music show in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.
Rayce Cleghorn, 20, was hired in October at the Country Tonight Theater in Pigeon Forge for the theater’s annual Christmas production. This spring, Rayce’s sister McCoy, 22, will join him on the same stage, performing in a variety show that features classic and more modern songs.
“We have an amazing live band,” Rayce stated. “We have some incredibly talented vocalists. We have some great youth performers and the best production dancers in Pigeon Force.”
Country Tonight, which runs throughout the year, has 10 shows per week. Through the end of the year, the Country Tonight Theater hosts up to two performances of its Christmas show every day. The show features a blend of non-holiday country classics, as well as beloved Christmas tunes.
See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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