Debbie Tidwell, new Winston County E-911 Director, comes on board replacing Tim Webb, whose retirement was effective Feb. 1.
DOUBLE SPRINGS - Debbie Tidwell has been on a journey for years, working in emergency medical services, dispatching and supervision, preparing her for the role as the new Winston County E-911 director, replacing the retiring Tim Webb.
“It’s going to be a challenge, but I think I can handle it,” Tidwell pointed out.
The Winston County E-911 board met in a special-called meeting Monday, Jan. 29, and voted 5-3 to name Tidwell as Webb’s replacement after an executive session lasting one hour, noted board member Tom Grubbs.
The board had formed a committee of three, including Horace Moore, Kyle Reogas and George Gibson, to look into the process of accepting applications and interviewing applicants.
The board had a total of three applicants for the position but, according to Grubbs, only one of the three met the qualifications.
“We accepted applications, except the way it was worded, nobody could qualify except somebody who worked for 9-1-1,” Grubbs pointed out. “The only one that qualified was Debbie."
See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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