Winston County Industrial Development Authority members, clockwise from bottom left, Ken Sunseri, Melinda Weaver, Ellan Oliver, Roger Hayes, Nicholas Bailes, Bobby Everett, Attorney Jeff Mobley and Chairman Horace Moore.
DOUBLE SPRINGS - The procedure is underway to hire a new coordinator for the Winston County Industrial Development Authority, after the now-former director’s contract was ended by the IDA several months ago.
At the IDA meeting Wednesday, May 29, chairman Horace Moore addressed fellow members, stating that he had been contacted about the process that should be in motion to receive applicants for the director’s position.
“I have had two people talk to me about it,” Moore began, “but we have to go through the due process, get their resumes and go forward.”
Moore then suggested the IDA board should discuss the procedure for seeking a new ID coordinator in order to get the best person for the position, including how the board handles the application and hiring process.
“I am not in favor, I’ll tell you up front, of hiring a company like we did before (in seeking a coordinator),” Moore pointed out. “The people who have talked to me are local people, and I think they would do a good job.
“When you pay somebody X amount of dollars and they bring people to you, it’s usually people who can’t get a job anywhere else in my opinion. That’s only my opinion,” Moore told IDA members.
Moore then opened up the meeting for discussion about the best methods to find and hire a new IDA coordinator.
“I have been reading everything I can and studying the economy,” Moore stated. “I think things are going to get worse before they get better, so whatever we do, we need to be conservative.
“On the other hand,” Moore continued. “I think we need somebody out there helping existing industry and see if there is anything we can do for them.
“I haven’t see industry locating anywhere much in the last six months to a year,” Moore continued.
IDA member Roger Hayes, who is also the Winston County Commission chairman, spoke out, stating the board needed a job description for the director’s position.
Jeff Mobley, attorney for the IDA, directed members’ attention to their folders for a job description that the board used the last time an IDA coordinator was hired.
“I’d ask you to look at that (and) consider if you want to add or take away from that job description,” Mobley informed.
Mobley urged IDA members to give him any ideas over the next two weeks, adding it has to be advertised in the local newspaper, as well as presented to mayors throughout Winston County to post in their communities.
See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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